Swell"ing, n. 1.
The act of that which swells; as, the swelling of rivers
in spring; the swelling of the breast with pride.
Rise to the swelling of the voiceless
2. A protuberance; a prominence;
especially (Med.), an unnatural prominence or
protuberance; as, a scrofulous swelling.
The superficies of such plates are not even, but have
many cavities and swellings.
Sir I.
Swell"ing, n. 1.
The act of that which swells; as, the swelling of rivers
in spring; the swelling of the breast with pride.
Rise to the swelling of the voiceless
2. A protuberance; a prominence;
especially (Med.), an unnatural prominence or
protuberance; as, a scrofulous swelling.
The superficies of such plates are not even, but have
many cavities and swellings.
Sir I.