Sus`ten*ta"tion (?), n. [L.
sustentatio sustenance, maintenance, fr. sustentare to
support, maintain, v. intens. fr. sustinere to sustain: cf. F.
sustentation. See Sustain.] 1. The
act of sustaining, or the state of being sustained; preservation from
falling; support; sustenance; maintenance.
2. (Physiol.) The aggregate of the
functions by which a living organism is maintained in a normal
condition of weight and growth.
Sustentation fund (Eccl.), a fund of a
religious body for support of its ministers, chapels, etc.; as, the
sustentation fund of the Free Church of Scotland.
Sus`ten*ta"tion (?), n. [L.
sustentatio sustenance, maintenance, fr. sustentare to
support, maintain, v. intens. fr. sustinere to sustain: cf. F.
sustentation. See Sustain.] 1. The
act of sustaining, or the state of being sustained; preservation from
falling; support; sustenance; maintenance.
2. (Physiol.) The aggregate of the
functions by which a living organism is maintained in a normal
condition of weight and growth.
Sustentation fund (Eccl.), a fund of a
religious body for support of its ministers, chapels, etc.; as, the
sustentation fund of the Free Church of Scotland.