Su`per*sede" (?), v. t. [imp. &
p. p. Superseded (?); p. pr. & vb.
n. Superseding.] [L. supersedere,
supersessum, to sit above, be superior to, forbear, omit;
super above + sedere to sit: cf. F.
superséder. See Sit, and cf. Surcease.]
1. To come, or be placed, in the room of; to
2. To displace, or set aside, and put another
in place of; as, to supersede an officer.
3. To make void, inefficacious, or useless, by
superior power, or by coming in the place of; to set aside; to render
unnecessary; to suspend; to stay.
Nothing is supposed that can supersede the known
laws of natural motion.
4. (Old Law) To omit; to
Su`per*sede" (?), v. t. [imp. &
p. p. Superseded (?); p. pr. & vb.
n. Superseding.] [L. supersedere,
supersessum, to sit above, be superior to, forbear, omit;
super above + sedere to sit: cf. F.
superséder. See Sit, and cf. Surcease.]
1. To come, or be placed, in the room of; to
2. To displace, or set aside, and put another
in place of; as, to supersede an officer.
3. To make void, inefficacious, or useless, by
superior power, or by coming in the place of; to set aside; to render
unnecessary; to suspend; to stay.
Nothing is supposed that can supersede the known
laws of natural motion.
4. (Old Law) To omit; to