Sug*gest" (?), v. t. [imp. & p.
p. Suggested (?); p. pr. & vb. n.
Suggesting.] [L. suggestus, p. p. of suggerere to
put under, furnish, suggest; sub under + gerere to
carry, to bring. See Jest.] 1. To
introduce indirectly to the thoughts; to cause to be thought of,
usually by the agency of other objects.
Some ideas . . . are suggested to the mind by
all the ways of sensation and reflection.
2. To propose with difference or modesty; to
hint; to intimate; as, to suggest a difficulty.
3. To seduce; to prompt to evil; to
tempt. [Obs.]
Knowing that tender youth is soon
4. To inform secretly. [Obs.]
Syn. -- To hint; allude to; refer to; insinuate.
Sug*gest", v. i. To make
suggestions; to tempt. [Obs.]
And ever weaker grows through acted crime,
Or seeming-genial, venial fault,
Recurring and suggesting still.
Sug*gest" (?), v. t. [imp. & p.
p. Suggested (?); p. pr. & vb. n.
Suggesting.] [L. suggestus, p. p. of suggerere to
put under, furnish, suggest; sub under + gerere to
carry, to bring. See Jest.] 1. To
introduce indirectly to the thoughts; to cause to be thought of,
usually by the agency of other objects.
Some ideas . . . are suggested to the mind by
all the ways of sensation and reflection.
2. To propose with difference or modesty; to
hint; to intimate; as, to suggest a difficulty.
3. To seduce; to prompt to evil; to
tempt. [Obs.]
Knowing that tender youth is soon
4. To inform secretly. [Obs.]
Syn. -- To hint; allude to; refer to; insinuate.
Sug*gest", v. i. To make
suggestions; to tempt. [Obs.]
And ever weaker grows through acted crime,
Or seeming-genial, venial fault,
Recurring and suggesting still.