(jē`&osl;*k&ebreve;m"&ibreve;s*tr&ybreve;), n.
[Gr. ge`a, gh^, the earth + chemistry.]
The study of the chemical composition of, and of actual or
possible chemical changes in, the crust of the earth. --
Ge`o*chem"ic*al (#), a. --
Ge`o*chem"ist (#), n.
(jē`&osl;*k&ebreve;m"&ibreve;s*tr&ybreve;), n.
[Gr. ge`a, gh^, the earth + chemistry.]
The study of the chemical composition of, and of actual or
possible chemical changes in, the crust of the earth. --
Ge`o*chem"ic*al (#), a. --
Ge`o*chem"ist (#), n.