Dis*like" (?), v. t. [imp. & p.
p. Disliked (?); p. pr. & vb. n.
Disliking.] 1. To regard with dislike or
aversion; to disapprove; to disrelish.
Every nation dislikes an impost.
2. To awaken dislike in; to displease.
"Disliking countenance." Marston. "It dislikes
me." Shak.
Dis*like", n. 1. A
feeling of positive and usually permanent aversion to something
unpleasant, uncongenial, or offensive; disapprobation; repugnance;
displeasure; disfavor; -- the opposite of liking or
God's grace . . . gives him continual dislike
to sin.
The hint malevolent, the look oblique,
The obvious satire, or implied dislike.
We have spoken of the dislike of these
excellent women for Sheridan and Fox.
His dislike of a particular kind of sensational
A. W. Ward.
2. Discord; dissension. [Obs.]
Syn. -- Distaste; disinclination; disapprobation; disfavor;
disaffection; displeasure; disrelish; aversion; reluctance;
repugnance; disgust; antipathy. -- Dislike, Aversion,
Reluctance, Repugnance, Disgust,
Antipathy. Dislike is the more general term, applicable
to both persons and things and arising either from feeling or
judgment. It may mean little more than want of positive liking; but
antipathy, repugnance, disgust, and
aversion are more intense phases of dislike.
Aversion denotes a fixed and habitual dislike; as, an
aversion to or for business. Reluctance and
repugnance denote a mental strife or hostility something
proposed (repugnance being the stronger); as, a
reluctance to make the necessary sacrifices, and a
repugnance to the submission required. Disgust is
repugnance either of taste or moral feeling; as, a disgust at
gross exhibitions of selfishness. Antipathy is primarily an
instinctive feeling of dislike of a thing, such as most persons feel
for a snake. When used figuratively, it denotes a correspondent
dislike for certain persons, modes of acting, etc. Men have an
aversion to what breaks in upon their habits; a
reluctance and repugnance to what crosses their will; a
disgust at what offends their sensibilities; and are often
governed by antipathies for which they can give no good