Wol"fram*ite (?), n. [G., wolframit,
wolfram; wolf wolf + rahm cream, soot; cf. G.
wolfsruss wolfram, lit., wolf's soot.] (Min.) Tungstate
of iron and manganese, generally of a brownish or grayish black color,
submetallic luster, and high specific gravity. It occurs in cleavable
masses, and also crystallized. Called also wolfram.
Wol"fram*ite (?), n. [G., wolframit,
wolfram; wolf wolf + rahm cream, soot; cf. G.
wolfsruss wolfram, lit., wolf's soot.] (Min.) Tungstate
of iron and manganese, generally of a brownish or grayish black color,
submetallic luster, and high specific gravity. It occurs in cleavable
masses, and also crystallized. Called also wolfram.