||Ven`dé`miaire" (?), n. [F., fr. L.
vindemia vintage.] The first month of the French republican
calendar, dating from September 22, 1792.
&fist; This calendar was substituted for the ordinary calendar, dating
from the Christian era, by a decree of the National Convention in 1793. The
22d of September, 1792, which had been fixed upon as the day of the
foundation of the republic, was also the date of the new calendar. In this
calendar, the year, which began at midnight of the day of the autumnal
equinox, was divided into twelve months of thirty days, with five
additional days for festivals, and every fourth year six. Each month was
divided into three decades of ten days each, the week being abolished. The
names of the months in their order were, Vendémiaire,
Brumaire, Frimaire Nivose, Pluviose,
Ventose, Germinal, Floréal, Prairial,
Messidor, Thermidor (sometimes called Fervidor), and
Fructidor. This calendar was abolished December 31, 1805, and the
ordinary one restored January 1, 1806.
||Ven`dé`miaire" (?), n. [F., fr. L.
vindemia vintage.] The first month of the French republican
calendar, dating from September 22, 1792.
&fist; This calendar was substituted for the ordinary calendar, dating
from the Christian era, by a decree of the National Convention in 1793. The
22d of September, 1792, which had been fixed upon as the day of the
foundation of the republic, was also the date of the new calendar. In this
calendar, the year, which began at midnight of the day of the autumnal
equinox, was divided into twelve months of thirty days, with five
additional days for festivals, and every fourth year six. Each month was
divided into three decades of ten days each, the week being abolished. The
names of the months in their order were, Vendémiaire,
Brumaire, Frimaire Nivose, Pluviose,
Ventose, Germinal, Floréal, Prairial,
Messidor, Thermidor (sometimes called Fervidor), and
Fructidor. This calendar was abolished December 31, 1805, and the
ordinary one restored January 1, 1806.