Tme"sis (mē"s&ibreve;s or t'mē"s&ibreve;s;
277), n. [L., from Gr. tmh^sis a cutting, fr.
te`mnein to cut.] (Gram.) The separation of the
parts of a compound word by the intervention of one or more words; as,
in what place soever, for whatsoever place.
Tme"sis (mē"s&ibreve;s or t'mē"s&ibreve;s;
277), n. [L., from Gr. tmh^sis a cutting, fr.
te`mnein to cut.] (Gram.) The separation of the
parts of a compound word by the intervention of one or more words; as,
in what place soever, for whatsoever place.