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Definition of Thereac

{ The"ri*ac (?), ||The*ri"a*ca (?), } n. [L. theriaca an antidote against the bite of serpents, Gr. &?;: cf. F. thériaque. See Treacle.] 1. (Old Med.) An ancient composition esteemed efficacious against the effects of poison; especially, a certain compound of sixty-four drugs, prepared, pulverized, and reduced by means of honey to an electuary; -- called also theriaca Andromachi, and Venice treacle.

2. Treacle; molasses. British Pharm.

{ The"ri*ac (?), The*ri"a*cal (?), } a. [Cf. F. thériacal.] Of or pertaining to theriac; medicinal. "Theriacal herbs." Bacon.

{ The"ri*ac (?), ||The*ri"a*ca (?), } n. [L. theriaca an antidote against the bite of serpents, Gr. &?;: cf. F. thériaque. See Treacle.] 1. (Old Med.) An ancient composition esteemed efficacious against the effects of poison; especially, a certain compound of sixty-four drugs, prepared, pulverized, and reduced by means of honey to an electuary; -- called also theriaca Andromachi, and Venice treacle.

2. Treacle; molasses. British Pharm.

{ The"ri*ac (?), The*ri"a*cal (?), } a. [Cf. F. thériacal.] Of or pertaining to theriac; medicinal. "Theriacal herbs." Bacon.

- Webster's Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

  • an antidote to a poison, especially to the venom of a snake
- The Nuttall Encyclopedia

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