Tel`e*pho*tog"ra*phy (?), n.
1. The photography of distant objects in more
enlarged form than is possible by the ordinary means, usually by a
camera provided with a telephoto lens or mounted in place of the
eyepiece of a telescope, so that the real or a magnified image falls
on the sensitive plate.
2. Art or process of electrically
transmitting and reproducing photographic or other pictures at a
distance by methods similar to those used in electric
3. Less properly, phototelegraphy.
Tel`e*pho*tog"ra*phy (?), n.
1. The photography of distant objects in more
enlarged form than is possible by the ordinary means, usually by a
camera provided with a telephoto lens or mounted in place of the
eyepiece of a telescope, so that the real or a magnified image falls
on the sensitive plate.
2. Art or process of electrically
transmitting and reproducing photographic or other pictures at a
distance by methods similar to those used in electric
3. Less properly, phototelegraphy.