Definition of Spee
Spree, a river of Prussia, rises in East Saxony close to the
Bohemian border, follows a winding and generally N. and NW. course of 227
m. till its Junction with the Havel at Spandau; chief towns on its banks
are Bautzen, Kottbus, Lübben, and Berlin; is connected with the Oder by
the Frederick William Canal.
- Wikipedia
Spree (?), n. [Cf. Ir. spre a
spark, animation, spirit, Gael. spraic. Cf. Sprack.]
A merry frolic; especially, a drinking frolic; a carousal.
Spree (?), n. [Cf. Ir. spre a
spark, animation, spirit, Gael. spraic. Cf. Sprack.]
A merry frolic; especially, a drinking frolic; a carousal.
- Webster's Unabridged Dictionary (1913)
SPREE. A frolic. Fun. A drinking bout. A party of
- The Devil's Dictionary (Ambrose Bierce)
- A merry frolic; especially, a drinking frolic; a carousal.
- The Nuttall Encyclopedia
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