Rhodesia, the territory in South Africa occupied and administered by
the British South Africa Company, under the leadership of Mr. Cecil
Rhodes, and founded by royal charter in 1889, hence the name it goes
under, is bounded on the E. by Portuguese East Africa, on the N. by
German East Africa and the Congo Free State, on the W. by Angola and
German South-West Africa, and on the S. by Bechuanaland and the
Transvaal; is traversed by the Zambesi, which divides it into Northern
and Southern Rhodesia; the Northern has been little prospected, though
the land is being cultivated, crops raised, and cattle-breeding
commenced, besides a new industry started in fibre; the Southern is
divided into two provinces,
Mashonaland (
q. v.) and
Matabeleland (
q. v.); in Rhodesia public roads have been made to
the extent of 2230 miles, and telegraph lines to the extent of 1856 miles
of line and 2583 of wire; it is favourable to the breeding of stock,
though the rinderpest raged in it disastrously for a time; the climate is
suitable for the cultivation of cereals of all kinds, and vegetables,
tobacco, india-rubber, and indigo are indigenous, and well repay
cultivation; there are forests of timber, and gold, silver, copper, coal,
tin, &c., have been discovered; it is, roughly speaking, as large as the
German Empire, and in consequence of the Jameson raid the control of the
military forces, formerly under the control of the Company, is now in the
hands of the Imperial Government.