Pro"te*in, n. (Physiol. Chem.)
In chemical analysis, the total nitrogenous material in vegetable
or animal substances, obtained by multiplying the total nitrogen found
by a factor, usually 6.25, assuming most proteids to contain
approximately 16 per cent of nitrogen.
Pro"te*in (?), n. [Gr.
prw^tos first: cf. prwtei^on the first place.]
(Physiol. Chem.) A body now known as alkali albumin, but
originally considered to be the basis of all albuminous substances,
whence its name.
Protein crystal. (Bot.) See
Crystalloid, n., 2.
Pro"te*in, n. (Physiol. Chem.)
In chemical analysis, the total nitrogenous material in vegetable
or animal substances, obtained by multiplying the total nitrogen found
by a factor, usually 6.25, assuming most proteids to contain
approximately 16 per cent of nitrogen.