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Definition of Pretixt

Pre"text (?; 277), n. [F. prétexte, L. praetextum, fr. praetextus, p. p. of praetexere to weave before, allege as an excuse; prae before + texere to weave. See Text.] Ostensible reason or motive assigned or assumed as a color or cover for the real reason or motive; pretense; disguise.

They suck the blood of those they depend on, under a pretext of service and kindness.

With how much or how little pretext of reason.
Dr. H. More.

Syn. -- Pretense; excuse; semblance; disguise; appearance. See Pretense.

- Webster's Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

  • (countable) a false, contrived or assumed purpose; a pretense
         The reporter called the company on the pretext of trying to resolve a consumer complaint.
- The Nuttall Encyclopedia

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