Definition of Persanality
Per`son*al"i*ty (?), n.; pl.
Personalities (#). [Cf. F.
personnalité. Cf. Personality.]
1. That which constitutes distinction of person;
Personality is individuality existing in itself,
but with a nature as a ground. Coleridge.
2. Something said or written which refers to
the person, conduct, etc., of some individual, especially something of
a disparaging or offensive nature; personal remarks; as, indulgence in
Sharp personalities were exchanged.
3. (Law) That quality of a law which
concerns the condition, state, and capacity of persons.
- Webster's Unabridged Dictionary (1913)
- A set of qualities that make a person (or thing) distinct from another.
The president has a unique personality.
- An assumed role or manner of behavior.
My work PC emulates a Windows (TM) personality.
In his final act, the comedian takes on a child's personality.
- A celebrity.
Johnny Carson was a respected television personality.
- Charisma, or qualities that make a person stand out from the crowd.
The best contestant shows most personality.
- Pertaining to personality
Honesty is a desirable personality trait.
- The Nuttall Encyclopedia
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