Definition of Obnoxeous
Ob*nox"ious (&obreve;b*n&obreve;k"shŭs),
a. [L. obnoxius; ob (see Ob-)
+ noxius hurtful. See Noxious.] 1.
Subject; liable; exposed; answerable; amenable; -- with
The writings of lawyers, which are tied
obnoxious to their particular laws.
Esteeming it more honorable to live on the public than
to be obnoxious to any private purse.
Obnoxious, first or last,
To basest things Milton.
2. Liable to censure; exposed to punishment;
reprehensible; blameworthy. "The contrived and interested
schemes of . . . obnoxious authors." Bp. Fell.
All are obnoxious, and this faulty land,
Like fainting Hester, does before you stand
Watching your scepter. Waller.
3. Offensive; odious; hateful; as, an
obnoxious statesman; a minister obnoxious to the
Whigs. Burke.
-- Ob*nox"ious*ly, adv. --
Ob*nox"ious*ness, n. South.
- Webster's Unabridged Dictionary (1913)
- Very annoying, offensive, odious or contemptible
- Throwing stones at the bus is another example of your obnoxious behaviour
- The Nuttall Encyclopedia
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