Not"a*ble (?), a. [F. notable,
L. notabilis, fr. notare to mark, nota mark,
note. See 5th Note.]
1. Capable of being noted; noticeable; plan;
2. Worthy of notice; remarkable; memorable;
noted or distinguished; as, a notable event, person.
&fist; Notable in the sense of careful,
thrifty, characterized by thrift and capacity (as, a
notable housekeeper) is pronounced by many good
orthoëpists, n&obreve;t"&adot;*b'l, the derivatives
notableness, and notably, being also similarly
pronounced with short o in the first syllable.
3. Well-known; notorious. [Obs.]
Not"a*ble (?), n. 1.
A person, or thing, of distinction.
2. (French Hist.) One of a number of
persons, before the revolution of 1789, chiefly of the higher orders,
appointed by the king to constitute a representative body.