Non"suit` (?), n. (Law) A
neglect or failure by the plaintiff to follow up his suit; a stopping
of the suit; a renunciation or withdrawal of the cause by the
plaintiff, either because he is satisfied that he can not support it,
or upon the judge's expressing his opinion. A compulsory nonsuit is a
nonsuit ordered by the court on the ground that the plaintiff on his
own showing has not made out his case.
Non"suit`, v. t. [imp. & p.
p. Nonsuited; p. pr. & vb. n.
Nonsuiting.] (Law) To determine, adjudge, or
record (a plaintiff) as having dropped his suit, upon his withdrawal
or failure to follow it up. "When two are joined in a writ, and
one is nonsuited." Z. Swift.
Non"suit`, a. Nonsuited.
D. A. Tyng.