Lith"o*phane (?), n. [Litho- +
Gr. &?; to show, reveal.] Porcelain impressed with figures which
are made distinct by transmitted light, as in a lamp shade. --
Lith`o*phan"ic (#), a. --
Li*thoph"a*ny (#), n.
Lith`o*phane (?), n. [Litho- +
Gr. fai`nein to show, reveal.] Porcelain impressed
with figures which are made distinct by transmitted light, -- as when
hung in a window, or used as a lamp shade.
Lith"o*phane (?), n. [Litho- +
Gr. &?; to show, reveal.] Porcelain impressed with figures which
are made distinct by transmitted light, as in a lamp shade. --
Lith`o*phan"ic (#), a. --
Li*thoph"a*ny (#), n.