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Definition of Hideus

Hid"e*ous (h&ibreve;d"&esl;*ŭs; 277), a. [OE. hidous, OF. hidous, hidos, hidus, hisdos, hisdous, F. hideux: cf. OF. hide, hisde, fright; of uncertain origin; cf. OHG. egidī horror, or L. hispidosus, for hispidus rough, bristly, E. hispid.] 1. Frightful, shocking, or offensive to the eyes; dreadful to behold; as, a hideous monster; hideous looks. "A piteous and hideous spectacle." Macaulay.

2. Distressing or offensive to the ear; exciting terror or dismay; as, a hideous noise. "Hideous cries." Shak.

3. Hateful; shocking. "Sure, you have some hideous matter to deliver." Shak.

Syn. -- Frightful; ghastly; grim; grisly; horrid; dreadful; terrible.

-- Hid"e*ous*ly, adv. -- Hid"e*ous*ness, n.

- Webster's Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

  • Frightful, shocking, or offensive to the eyes; dreadful to behold; as, a hideous monster; hideous looks.
          A piteous and hideous spectacle." Macaulay.
  • Distressing or offensive to the ear; exciting terror or dismay; as, a hideous noise. Hideous cries." Shak.
  • Hateful; shocking. Sure, you have some hideous matter to deliver." Shak. Syn. -- Frightful; ghastly; grim; grisly; horrid; dreadful; terrible.
- The Nuttall Encyclopedia

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