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Definition of Harmanize

Har"mo*nize (här"m&osl;*nīz), v. i. [imp. & p. p. Harmonized (- nīzd); p. pr. & vb. n. Harmonizing (- nī"z&ibreve;ng).] [Cf. F. harmoniser. ] 1. To agree in action, adaptation, or effect on the mind; to agree in sense or purport; as, the parts of a mechanism harmonize.

2. To be in peace and friendship, as individuals, families, or public organizations.

3. To agree in vocal or musical effect; to form a concord; as, the tones harmonize perfectly.

Har"mo*nize, v. t. 1. To adjust in fit proportions; to cause to agree; to show the agreement of; to reconcile the apparent contradiction of.

2. (Mus.) To accompany with harmony; to provide with parts, as an air, or melody.

- Webster's Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

  • to be in harmonious agreement
  • (music) to play or sing in harmony
  • to bring things into harmony, or to make things compatible
  • to provide the harmony for a melody
- The Nuttall Encyclopedia

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