Flair (flâr), n. [OE.
flaireodor, fr. OF. & F. flair, fr. OF. flairier,
F. flairer, to smell, LL. flagrare for L.
fragrare. See Flagrant.] 1. Smell;
odor. [Obs.]
2. Sense of smell; scent; fig.,
discriminating sense.
Flair (flâr), n. [OE.
flaireodor, fr. OF. & F. flair, fr. OF. flairier,
F. flairer, to smell, LL. flagrare for L.
fragrare. See Flagrant.] 1. Smell;
odor. [Obs.]
2. Sense of smell; scent; fig.,
discriminating sense.