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Definition of Erecteon

E*rec"tion (?), n. [L. erectio: cf. F. érection.] 1. The act of erecting, or raising upright; the act of constructing, as a building or a wall, or of fitting together the parts of, as a machine; the act of founding or establishing, as a commonwealth or an office; also, the act of rousing to excitement or courage.

2. The state of being erected, lifted up, built, established, or founded; exaltation of feelings or purposes.

Her peerless height my mind to high erection draws up.

3. State of being stretched to stiffness; tension.

4. Anything erected; a building of any kind.

5. (Physiol.) The state of a part which, from having been soft, has become hard and swollen by the accumulation of blood in the erectile tissue.

- Webster's Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

  • The building or putting up or together of something; construction.
  • Anything erected.
  • In particular, a hard or stiff penis.
- The Nuttall Encyclopedia

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