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Definition of Duplix

Du"plex (?), v. t. [See Duplex, a.] (Teleg.) To arrange, as a telegraph line, so that two messages may be transmitted simultaneously; to equip with a duplex telegraphic outfit.

||Du"plex (?), a. [L., fr. duo two + plicare to fold. See Two, and Complex.] Double; twofold.

Duplex escapement, a peculiar kind of watch escapement, in which the scape-wheel has two sets of teeth. See Escapement. -- Duplex lathe, one for turning off, screwing, and surfacing, by means of two cutting tools, on opposite sides of the piece operated upon. -- Duplex pumping engine, a steam pump in which two steam cylinders are placed side by side, one operating the valves of the other. -- Duplex querela [L., double complaint] (Eccl. Law), a complaint in the nature of an appeal from the ordinary to his immediate superior, as from a bishop to an archbishop.Mozley & W. -- Duplex telegraphy, a system of telegraphy for sending two messages over the same wire simultaneously. -- Duplex watch, one with a duplex escapement.

Du"plex (?), v. t. [See Duplex, a.] (Teleg.) To arrange, as a telegraph line, so that two messages may be transmitted simultaneously; to equip with a duplex telegraphic outfit.

- Webster's Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

  • double, made up of two parts
  • two direction (electronical signaling)
  • house made up of two dwelling units
- The Nuttall Encyclopedia

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The correct Spelling of this word is: Duplex

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