Cre*den"tial (kr&esl;*d&ebreve;n"shal),
a. [Cf. It. credenziale, fr. LL.
credentia. See Credence.] Giving a title or
claim to credit or confidence; accrediting.
Their credential letters on both sides.
Cre*den"tial, n. [Cf. It.
credenziale.] 1. That which gives a
title to credit or confidence.
2. pl. Testimonials showing that a
person is entitled to credit, or has right to exercise official
power, as the letters given by a government to an ambassador or
envoy, or a certificate that one is a duly elected
The committee of estates excepted against the
credentials of the English commissioners.
Had they not shown undoubted credentials
from the Divine Person who sent them on such a message.