{ An"dro*mede (?), An"dro*med (?) },
n.} (Astron.) A meteor appearing to
radiate from a point in the constellation Andromeda, -- whence the
&fist; A shower of these meteors takes place every year on November
27th or 28th. The Andromedes are also called Bielids, as they
are connected with Biela's comet and move in its orbit.
{ An"dro*mede (?), An"dro*med (?) },
n.} (Astron.) A meteor appearing to
radiate from a point in the constellation Andromeda, -- whence the
&fist; A shower of these meteors takes place every year on November
27th or 28th. The Andromedes are also called Bielids, as they
are connected with Biela's comet and move in its orbit.